Indian Home Remedies For Cold: Use PharmEasy Coupons For Discount

Presuming home remedies to heal a common cold and cough is something that many Indian homes still maintain. Besides healing common cold and cough completely, these home remedies are also free from any side-effects. So, there are some home products like Honey, and more which you can buy for Pharmeasy and you can also get a discount on your purchase by simply using the Pharmeasy coupons code for 2021  which is easily available online for you all.


What's a Common Cold and Cough? A common cold is called so because it's the most basic of all diseases and concerns most of us more often than any other disease. Throat irritation and blockage of the nasal section normally follows a cold.


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It may also be followed by a cough that is the movement of mucus due to the lungs' virus. What affects Cold and Cough? There is no exact cause for the cold and cough. Its problems can range from an allergy, influenza, sinusitis or a viral epidemic.

Here we have discussed some of these home remedies that will help you manage common cold and cough.

Remedies For Cold

Here are some of the home remedies for cold, which will help you out in curing a cold, and all these remedies mentioned below are totally safe and effective. These home remedies have no side effects on your body but will help you get the cold away easily.


Ginger tea

Ginger tea tastes great and benefits in managing common cold and cough—the tea assists in drying, running and dripping nose, thus discharging phlegm from the respiratory stretch. Among numerous health advantages of ginger, it is understood to relieve common cold and races up the healing method.


A mixture of lemon, cinnamon and honey

Added useful home remedy for common cold and cough is a blend of lemon, cinnamon and honey. This syrup completely preserves cold and cough. Here you will need a Honey and if you do not have a honey bottle at home, buy it from PharmEasy as they have all Honey ranges for you all. Also, you can use the pharmeasy coupons for discounts and offers on your purchase.


How to make the syrup: In half a spoon of honey, combine a few drops of lemon and a pinch of cinnamon. Have this syrup twice a day to preserve a natural cold and cough.


Lukewarm water

Sip lukewarm water regularly as it assists in struggling toward common cold, cough and painful throat. Warm water decreases infection in the throat and aids in providing the fluids and disease out of the body.


Milk and turmeric

A basic element located in almost all Indian kitchens is that turmeric has a powerful antioxidant, which assists in managing multiple health difficulties. Turmeric combined in lukewarm milk is a traditional and powerful way to struggle toward cold and cough. Sipping a glass of lukewarm turmeric milk before sleeping assists in more active restoration from cold and cough.


Gargle with salt-water

This is an age-old remedy that completely manages cough and cold. Combining turmeric in this salt-water is also helpful.


Honey and brandy

Brandy is remembered to keep your chest tender as it enhances the body's warmth, and lacking honey in brandy assists in struggling with a cough. Just a spoon of brandy combined with a few drops of honey enhances cough and the common cold.


Spiced tea

Add tulsi, ginger and black pepper while making your tea and this spiced tea is excellent for your wellness. These three elements play an essential role in combating a common cold and cough.


Honey, lime juice and lukewarm water

This is an excellent treatment to develop digestion and for the circulation method. Combining honey to luke-lime water is the most suitable solution in managing common cold and cough.



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Ginger-tulsi blend

Remove the ginger juice and combine crush tulsi leaves to it and combine honey. Utilize it to get aid from a cough.


Flaxseeds for cold and cough

Flaxseeds are a different powerful remedy to preserve a common cold and cough. You can boil flax seeds until it hardens and strains it. Combine a few drops of lime juice and honey to it and utilize the mix for cold and cough assistance.


Ginger and salt

Chop ginger into small slices and join salt to it. Eat these ginger bits to combat cold, cough and a painful throat.


Sauté garlic

Sauté a few garlic cloves in ghee and utilize this when warm. This can be a stinging solution but has a large peaceful force for common cold and cough.


Jaggery solution

Boil water with black pepper, cumin and jaggery to it. Utilize this water when hot, and it will provide you comfort from chest blockage.


Carrot juice

This wonderful home treatment is excellent to combat common cold and cough. It may seem unusual, but this refreshing drink assists in curing a common cold and cough!


Essential oil

Essential oil is an excellent home remedy for cold and cough. The oils serve to reduce the speed at which the virus raises inside the body. Cinnamon, peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus and thyme oils are rated the most useful essential oils for cold. Put some basic oil in a diffuser for relaxation.


Pineapple Juice

Many might not know but sipping pineapple juice when experiencing cold is an efficient home treatment. You can have pineapple juice with honey. All you require to do is combine one tablespoon of honey in half a cup of lukewarm pineapple juice. Mix it well and sip it.


Vitamin C

Some proof implies that exerting Vitamin C before the start of cold indications may reduce the term of symptoms. It may serve to support your immune health and can give some support from upper respiratory tract diseases. Exerting Vitamin C rich food like lemon, oranges, and grapefruits are very powerful.



Research shows that taking zinc supplements can benefit from becoming sick. Zinc can assist increase immunity that can reduce the signs of cold and even stop you from falling unwell. So when you are suffering, eat Zinc-rich food like oysters, meat, chicken, dark chocolate, sunflower seeds and others.



Menthol can also help to lessen the signs of the cold. It includes antibacterial and pain-relieving consequences. You can also steam and breathe it.


Few precautionary measures

There are a few points that you require to take care of when cold. Having some special food can worsen the condition and worsen the signs.

  • Avoid dairy goods
  • Stay clear off caffeine
  • Do not consume spicily, prepared and fried foods
  • Improve your fluid intake
  • Breathe steam
  • Take rest


So, this was all about the home remedies for common cold and cough and these remedies are going to help you a lot.